The German Edition of Yu Miaojie’s Book China-US Trade War and Trade Talk Gets Published

Time: 2023-07-10 13:44:41  Author:  Click: times

The book China-US Trade War and Trade Talk written by Professor Yu Miaojie focuses on the tension between China and the US on trade imbalance and discusses China’s opening-up strategy in the context of this trade conflict. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author presents a detailed analysis of the current state of the China-US trade relationship and describes the potential impacts of China-US trade conflicts. The topics covered in this section include the re-estimate of US trade deficit with China, China’s non-market economy status, the impact of China-US bilateral investment treaties on China’s manufacturing sectors, and the estimated welfare losses and gains resulting from the China-US trade war. Part II explores China’s possible response and development strategy in the context of de-globalization. Based on an overview of China’s three stages of economic reform and opening-up policy in the past four decades, the author discusses the future tasks that would move the country into a new stage of all-round opening up. Lastly, the book comprehensively reviews the role of processing trade, trade liberalization, and firm performance in promoting China’s miraculous economic growth so as to foster a better understanding of China’s experience of opening up over the past four decades.


“China’s tremendous growth over the past several decades has greatly expanded its role in the world economy. Neighboring countries in Asia, those in Africa, as well as in Europe and the United States are all tied to China through global production chains. Professor Yu Miaojie provides us with an insightful analysis of how this system has evolved and how it is being challenged by the trade war with the United States. These topics are important to all those interested in the state of the world economy and in what the future might bring.” (Robert C. Feenstra, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Davis)

“Professor Yu has produced a masterful account of the economics underlying the US-China trade conflict. Central to the trade tensions are asymmetric flows of trade and capital between the countries. This timely book unpacks these flows and provides a thorough analysis of how these imbalances arose and how an unsuccessful resolution of the conflict would affect China, the US and the rest of the world. It is essential reading for those who want to understand the origins and possible future directions of the trade war.” (Gordon Hanson, Peter Wertheim Professor, Harvard University)

“This objective and authoritative study of current US-China trade conflict is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the roots and likely evolutions of one of the most important issues in our time.” (Justin Yifu Lin, Chair Professor, Peking University; Former Chief Economist, the World Bank)

“With tempers flaring on both sides of the Pacific and a China-US trade war rearing its ugly head, it is time to step beyond the rhetoric and listen to the voices of reason. Professor Yu is one of those rare voices. Trained in the United States and senior faculty at China’s premier Peking University, he has established himself as China’s leading authority on international trade and the current China-US trade war. In a series of essays, he puts the current trade war in context and provides a way past the rhetoric and towards dialogue.” (Daniel Trefler, J. Douglas & Ruth Grant Chair Professor, University of Toronto)

“This is the book on China trade that every China-watcher and every trade economist keeps on her book shelf.  The book not only gives a comprehensive analytical account of China’s transformation from an autarkic economy to a major world trader, it also covers the still-ongoing US-China trade war and the ambitious Belt-Road Initiative, and speculates insightfully on the internationalization of the RMB. A first-class book by a first-class economist.” (Wing Thye Woo, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Davis & Research Professor, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur)


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Introduction to the author:


Professor Yu Miaojie is a deputy to the National People’s Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th Liaoning Provincial People’s Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and President of Liaoning University.

He is a professor of National-level Talent Program, Distinguished Professor of Boya Program at Peking University, recipient of China’s National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Outstanding Young Scientist of Beijing’s institutions of higher education. He holds his PhD in Economics from University of California, Davis. He is an economist with top 1% highly cited papers in global economic management, Executive Editor of International Trade and Journal of Chang’an University, and Deputy Editor of Review of International Economics. His main research areas are international trade and China’s economic development. He has published more than 150 papers in first-class journals at home and abroad, including Economic Journal, Review of Economics & Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development Economics, and Economic Research Journal, as well as 22 monographs in Chinese and English. His research on China’s economic development has won prizes including the Royal Economics Award, and the Excellence Award of the 7th Wu Yuzhang Prize in Humanities and Social Sciences.