Miaojie Yu,Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2023

Time: 2023-07-10 11:15:56  Author:  Click: times

How to Break the Trammel of“Investment cannot be made beyond Shanhai”in Northeast China


The root cause for the lagging of economic development in Northeast China lies in the weakness of institution, mechanism and ideology. The key to promote the breakthrough of the overall Northeast revitalization is to focus on “three aspects” in restructuring the secondary industry, that is,accelerating the improvement of “time-honored brands”, profoundly develop “existing brands”, and innovating and strengthening “new brands” .Starting from the source of legalization, it is required to keep optimizing the business environment, create the social atmosphere of “There is no need to depend on personal relationship”, in order to cut down on the business cost and eradicate the negative influence of “Investment cannot be made beyond Shanhai Pass”.It is imperative to make use of the geographical advantage of Northeast China, speed up the establishment of China-Japan-ROK Free Trade Zone, promote the highquality participation of “The Belt and Road”, and push the higher level of opening up and reform. At present,we should firmly take the golden opportunity of development for Liaoning in the history, fully utilize the advantages of Liaoning in natural resources, education, transportation.and other aspects, to make Shenyang become “Northeast Shenzhen” .

KeywordsNortheast revitalization; restructuring; business environment; China-Japan-ROK Free Trade Zone;