Founded in October 2022, China Economic Research Institute (CERI) is a scientific research entity affiliated to Liaoning University. CERI commits to providing policy advice to decision makers for national and local economic and social development and pursuing exceptional economic research achievements. CERI serves the construction of economic disciplines of Liaoning University and contributes to the great revitalization of Northeast China, playing an important role in enhancing the university’s social influence.

Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress and President of Liaoning University, serves as the Dean of CERI. Under his leadership, CERI has absorbed over 10 established scholars who graduated from renowned universities overseas, including University of California (UC), Davis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Virginia, University of Southern California, Syracuse University, Virginia Tech, London Business School, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, and other famous universities abroad. Their research areas cover International Trade, Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Development Economics, Industrial Organization, Finance, and so forth. Currently, CERI continues to actively recruit outstanding talents domestically and from abroad, fostering a first-class research team. Most recently, the worldwide well-known macroeconomist, Professor Russel W. Cooper, has joined CERI as a full-time faculty member.

The faculty members of CERI have published high-quality research in prestigious international and national academic journals, such as Review of Economics and StatisticsThe Economic JournalJournal of International EconomicsInternational Economic ReviewReview of Economic DynamicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationThe World EconomyEconomic Development and Culture ChangeChina Economic Quarterly, and Journal of Financial Research, to name a few. They have also won prestigious titles such as Distinguished Professors of national talent programs and National Outstanding Young Talents. They are undertaking national research programs funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as numerous provincial and municipal research programs.

CERI has hosted or co-organized the annual conference of the International Trade Research Association, the high-end international symposium titled “Improving ASEAN-East Asia Trade and Investment Cooperation in Digital Economic Era,” the academic conference on international trade and regional economy, and other international high-level academic activities. CERI has invited Professor Daniel Trefler from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Professor Peter Lindert from UC Davis, and Professor Peter Drysdale from Australian National University to deliver speeches at the “Song Ze-Xing Memorial University Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars.” Moreover, well-known domestic scholars have been invited to deliver speeches at the “Boya Lectures” and several sessions of high-end lectures on the frontier of economics. CERI provides an important platform for academic exchanges to promote the construction and development of economic disciplines.

CERI is located in the “Tang Duo Building,” a small and red two-story building at the center of Liaoning University (Chongshan Campus). With the statue of Karl Marx standing in front of the building for guidance, the building is surrounded by greenery to present a sense of tranquility and peace. The beauty of the changing seasons can be admired through the windows of the offices in this building. Tang Duo, a prominent founding general, once left his revolutionary and life imprints here, adding a touch of historical significance to this structure.

In the future, CERI will continue to strengthen our staffing to build a well-balanced, experienced, cooperative, and dynamic research team. With an international vision and an open mind, CERI is committed to becoming a first-class economic research institution in China in the next few years by actively organizing academic events and cooperating with first-class domestic and foreign universities.