Education: Harvard University(1982)

Title: Professor

Publication: “The Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination under Rational Expectations: The Dollar-Deutsche Mark Case Study”——Journal of International Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Wing Thye Woo, Ph.D. from Harvard University, Professor of Economics at the University of California, Davis, and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Director of the East Asia Program at Columbia University. My main research areas include macroeconomics, international finance and exchange rate economics, economic growth and development, as well as globalization and East Asian issues. It enjoys a high academic reputation in the fields of economics and finance, having published approximately 150 papers and numerous monographs in international authoritative journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, and Journal of International Money and Finance. His writing papers have been selected as one of the 25 most influential papers in the 30-year history by the International Journal of Economics. In addition, Professor Hu Yongtai has served as an academic advisor for several international academic journals; Editor of "Asian Economic Collection" and "Research on Chinese Economy and Business"; Collaborative editor of "Planning Economics" and "Asian Economics". I have held research positions in multiple universities, research institutions, and international organizations worldwide, providing valuable decision-making advice and recommendations to numerous government departments and international organizations in macroeconomic, foreign exchange management, state-owned enterprise restructuring, trade issues, and financial sector development.