主讲人:陈超逸 助理教授(布达佩斯大都会大学央行研究所)
主持人:谢明佳 助理教授(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)
嘉宾介绍:刘仁良 助理教授(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)
时间:2024年12月17日(周二) 10:00 - 11:30(北京时间)
摘要: We propose several threshold mixed data sampling (TMIDAS) autoregressive models to forecast the Canadian inflation rate using predictors observed at different frequencies. These models take two low-frequency variables and a high-frequency index as a threshold variable. We compare our TMIDAS models to commonly used benchmark models, evaluating their in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts. Our results demonstrate the good forecasting performance of the TMIDAS models. Particularly, the in-sample results highlight that the TMIDAS model using the high-frequency index as the threshold variable outperforms other models. Through unconditional superior predictive ability (USPA) and conditional superior predictive ability (CSPA) tests for out-of-sample evaluation, we find that no single model consistently outperforms the others, although at least one of our TMIDAS models remains competitive in most cases.

陈超逸博士是匈牙利中央银行的高级研究与教育专家,同时是布达佩斯大都会大学央行研究所助理教授。他在加拿大圭尔夫大学获得经济学博士学位,研究领域是计量经济学、实证宏观经济学和实证金融学,研究成果发表在 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics,Econometrics Journal,Econometric Reviews,Environmental and Resource Economics以及 Journal of Empirical Finance 等国际一流期刊。陈博士于2022-2024年获得匈牙利中央银行副行长奖,并在2020年获得Gordon S. Lang商学院杰出学者奖章。他还组织匈央行研究所-复旦大学国际金融学院年度研讨会,担任 Journal of Risk and Financial Management 的客座主编,并参与编辑匈央行研究所主办的 Economania博客。