主讲人:江硕 助理教授(厦门大学王亚南经济研究院)
主持人:杨程 助理教授(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)
嘉宾介绍:何真瑜 助理教授(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)
摘要:In this paper, we study the identification and estimation of treatment effects using instrumental variable that does not satisfy the exclusion restriction. In the absence of exclusion restriction, we show that a new type of treatment effect called the “local average treatment effect on the encouraged outcome” is point identified and it coincides with LATE when the exclusion restriction actually hold. Testable restrictions for the exclusion restriction are derived. When the effects are homogeneous, we propose different causal reduced form characterizations of the treatment effect as population regression coefficient and propose several two-step semiparametric estimators that are root-N consistent and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrates the finite sample efficacy of our estimators and tests.