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辽宁大学经济学前沿高端讲座第三十七讲 Health Shocks and the Evolution of Earnings over the Life-Cycle

时间:2023-12-06 16:42:19  作者:  点击:

主讲人:丸山士行(Shiko Maruyama)教授(暨南大学



时间:20231120日(周一) 1400-1530(北京时间





We study the contribution of health shocks to earnings inequality and uncertainty in labor market outcomes. We calibrate a life-cycle model of labor supply and savings that incorporates health and health shocks. Our model features endogenous wage formation via human capital accumulation, employer sponsored health insurance, and means-tested social insurance. We find a substantial part of the impact of health shocks on earnings arises via reduced human capital accumulation. Health shocks account for 15% of lifetime earnings inequality for U.S. males, with two-thirds of this due to behavioral responses. In particular, it is optimal for low-skill workers – who often lack employer sponsored insurance – to curtail labor supply to maintain eligibility for means-tested transfers that protect them from high health care costs. This causes low-skill workers to invest less in human capital. Provision of public health insurance can alleviate this problem and enhance labor supply and human capital accumulation.

主讲人简介: 丸山士行(Shiko Maruyama),暨南大学经济与社会研究院教授。丸山教授在2007年于美国西北大学获得经济学博士学位,曾就职于新南威尔士大学和澳大利亚悉尼科技大学。他的专业领域是健康经济学、家庭经济学、人口经济学、微观计量经济学、公共经济学、产业组织经济学以及劳动经济学。其研究主题包括生育趋势、健康、保险、医疗保健费用、非正式护理、长期体重指数趋势以及出生状况的影响等。丸山教授的研究成果发表于International Economic ReviewJournal of Econometrics, Quantitative Economics以及 Journal of Health Economics等国际知名期刊。丸山教授目前担任Japanese Economic Review的共同主编,Health Economics的副主编,以及国际卫生经济学协会(IHEA)董事会成员,同时也是年度亚洲计量经济学和卫生经济学研讨会(AWEHE)的主要组织者之一。